Monday, July 18, 2011

39wk + 4days pregnant. Please help???? Extremely worried :(?

its my first symptoms of labour pain and no contractions lots of walking and squat a this normal?...m due on 4th july..have an appointment with doctor on the very same day...m scared and worried about delivery... :( ...also i need to know whether my baby is a girl as i have heard sumwer girl takes the complete due date for delivery...please advise and thanks for help

FTM tips/help?? high school?

So I am now going into my sophomore year And has started trying to transition last year, I started about half way through the year. Im 15 now so I believe i am to old to take hormone blockers(or can I? not sure) But i was wondering about advise for FTM's in high school and what else I can do because I already dress and change my name and people know.what else can I do?

I have problem to my hair?

i hope you will gave me good answer............ i have problem to my hair everyday approximately 100 or 130 hair fall down i m seriously worry about that i use olive hair oil but same problem i just inform you that i have dandruff in my hair please advise me about that problem also solution of dandruff.... thanks

Breastfeeding and losing weight too rapidly?

Exercise less and eat higher calorie foods. Instead of skim milk drink 2% or whole. Same with yogurt and cottage cheese, get the full fat versions. You really need to be eating more, since you lost all your pregnancy weight, you don't have any maternal fat stores to rely upon, therefore you need to be eating at least 500 extra calories in addition to your normal amount of calories for sustaining your weight and because of your exercise you then need to add more calories for the one you loss while working out. I would also make sure that this sudden rapid weight loss isn't due to some sort of other medical problem.

Help and advice: Tax returns not filed and no records?

You've not filled them in for a few years - laziness or avoidance, now you're looking for a way out. You WILL have to do it, and if you can't won't the HMRC will estimate you've made the same as comparable businesses in your area. Bankruptcy won't make tax debts go away, you're in a lot of trouble of your own making. Can't say I have any sympathy for you.

Can I mix Gerber rice cereal into kitten formula?

I have two orphaned kittens that I have been bottle feeding. Don't worry, I have everything I need for raising kittens, but I'm starting to ween them soon and I was wondering if I could mix in some Gerber baby rice cereal into their formula to thicken it up a little? I tried mixing canned kitten food into the KMR and it made them a little constipated, so I was wondering if the rice cereal would be a little more mild approach to start with. I know cats are carnivores and that it might not be necessarily nutritious for them, but would it be BAD for them in any way?

Would you consider me healthy or am i developing an eating disorder?

I'd say if you carry on what your doing you will have a disorder, the fact you've been tempted to purge is not normal. I don't know how thin you are but all I will say is that if you have 3 healthy meals a day and do your exercise then your body is getting what it needs and you won't be getting fat.

Do you think when we die we go to where we were before we were born?

Whether that means absolutely nothing/cease to exist, or actually a place that we have no knowledge of here on Earth. Just a little thought of mine that I don't necessarily believe.

UK Pet Insurance Company No Longer Will Cover Our Sick Dog?

Get your policy out and read the fine print. I've seen this happen to many owners. I'll bet that if you look hard enough, you'll find that there was an exclusion in there somewhere. I feel that a lot of the pet insurances companies can be very deceptive in their practices. There are several in the US that I feel are almost criminal in the way that they write their policies.

Does the Tracey Anderson Method work for severely over weight people?

I'm really interested in trying her program, I have found some mixed reviews but that's to be expected. The problem I'm having is, the people on her commercials are already small compared to me and have some exercise routine. Where as I'm 5' 7" 270lbs and nobody on her commercials look like me. I'm wondering if this program only work for those that already fit but need some extra help. What do you think? I would love your advise, please no negative comments I already know I'm over weight, thanks.

I need urgent advise?

How could you possibly think that this big a player is even remotely a "good man"???? But you are where you are and now you have to face the consequences (btw...birth control might have been a good idea). You have a huge moral dilemma here and no one else, particularly strangers, can tell you what to do.

With a 700 calorie deficit how much weight will I lose per week?

With a 700 calorie deficit, exercising 3x per week, eating nutritious foods spread out through the day, and drinking plenty of water how much weight should I expect lose each week?

Edwina has been living with her parents since she graduated from college about 2 years ago. Because her parent?

If Edwina has a stable job she plans to keep and does not think she will have to quit or be laid off, she *could* take out a small loan. She should pay $3,000 cash and get a loan for $1500 and try to buy her uncle's car if she knows its in good condition. She should get a full car inspection on in first though ($100-$400 or so, but worth it!) so she can make sure she is buying a quality car! If there are things wrong with it, she should haggle with him to lower the price.

Does singer sewing machine(model:Inspiration)has a darning presser foot&option to lower feed dogs? ?

I want2do free motion embroidery using a embroidery hoop,so tht i can make my own designs.Pls advise as i want2buy a machine.

Bump on my dogs lower eyelid?

Our dog has had a bump on her upper eyelid for five or six years now. The vet said not to worry about it unless it grew, which it never has.

Young disus eating brine shrimp?

I would like to have feed back from people out their who have fed their young Discus brine shrimp. How have the fish reacted? I've heard blood worms cause problems, is the same true for brine shrimp? Is it nutritious for the Discus to eat?


Don't try to handle recovery by yourself. You are already slipping into bad habits. Talk to a friend or family member quickly!

Which one is more nutritious for Guinea Pigs, celery, watermelon, or cucumber?

Celery has some good vitamin C content, which, you probably know as a piggie owner, is of importance to them. :) Watermelon is sugar/water, and cucumber is just watery. Hope this helps. :D

Post a pallet to Australia?

Have you tried they will give you the best deals they can find with different couriers

Help! im stuck in denmark?

is there anyone in denmark who can give me some advice i am stuck in copenhagen and want to go home to the UK problem is i dont get paid till the 13th is there any agencies here that could help or advise me to get home before that? ive asked friends but they cant help me

I have lost weight yet my tummy seems to be getting bigger, especially around the bottom?

its probably just water weight or inflation from your period coming soon, if you lose weight and are skinny it is a little bit more noticeable when its coming. either that or it could just be your ab muscles maybe they are getting stronger... dont worry though! (:

Do you ever just want to rant?

Gays caused std outbreak because men have such high sex drives and they didn't want to use protection too so there.

Infected lymph node in groin?

I have suffered with cysts in my groin for months. I told my doctor as I had began to suffer with them behind my ears and on my face. He gave me a course of antibiotics and said if that doesn't work then there's not much else I can give u. Next to the cyst in my groin a long lump appeared and I thought the cyst had spread into a vein. I left it for about a month but then it became hard inflammed and very swollen. The doc has said I'm on a strong course of abtibiotics which I began on wed. For tge last week u have felt terrible. No energy, tired, a bit queezy and have the feeling that I'm losing my mind amd am not really here...if that makes sense! Three days in the infammation has gone down but the lymph is about an inch long and hard...will antibiotics get rid or do I need to be worried that its cancer? Any advise would be great thank u. :)

Rockitus&Poppitus: Are underground rock bands as praised as underground rappers?

A lot of the people in the rap section act like if it's been played on the radio it ceases to be rap. Are underground rock bands praised while mainstream rock bands are insulted for being successful?? Or is that just a rap thing?

Need suggestions for breed of dog/puppy?

Can anyone help with choice of breed pls. Want a dog that is not toy or small, so nothing like a jack russel or similar and not as big as a labrador. Ideally would like a beagle but due to the fact we are quite rural with deer and foxes regularly in garden have been advised not too as they tend to go after the scent and run off a lot. Have open mind really but size is an issue any help would be great.

Looking for a good low calorie Vegitarian Salad, Something that would be good as a side dish?

Everything I am finding that even sounds decent has Mayo in it. I am not a Vegetarian but I am trying to eat healthier. I usually have something like fries or Jalapeno Poppers for a side dish with whatever we are having and I want something better for me. Can you recommend any easy to make Veggie salads or Fruit. Something that Packs a Nutritious punch. Also I don't buy stuff I will only use once so unless it is an widly used ingredient that I can put in other things too, I probably won't make it.

My girlfriend made out with another guy, what should I do?

Revenge is sweeter than she will ever b!!! GET BACK AT HER &make sure she finds out. if she cheats once, she's obvs gonna do it again. lying is the answer to everything.

How can I have delicious, nuritious food?

As a poor college student, I find myself constantly eating cup - o - noodles or getting take out from fast food joints. However, I want to change my eating habits. Where can I find cheap, nutritious food that tastes good at the same time?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I need a TRANSLATION from english to arabic.?

يمكن للشخص يرجى اجراء البيرة بلدي؟ انا على وشك الحصول على طفل

Are there good uses for the water the dry shitake mushrooms have soaked in?

After soaking the dried shitakes the water looks tasty and nutritious- does anyone have a great use for it, other than adding it to beef or mushroom based soups?

What is the best website for Halong Bay cruises?

I know Mr. Darian who is a specialist for cruises in Halong Bay. He may help you! You can check out his website at:

Is it unhealthy to play sports when it's 105 degrees outside?

Here in south Texas, I can't get anybody to play tennis or basketball during the heat of the day. Yes, it does hit 100 almost every day and even 105+ at times. When I go out, I take a gallon of water and three bananas not to mention that I have a nutritious meal prior to exercise. My friends say that it is unhealthy to be out there - I disagree. Who's right?

In very confusing situation and really need advice on what I should do?

This is going to sound blunt, and I'm sorry for that, but she's not that into you. She knows that you're interested, but she's made no attempts to progress the relationship. She doesn't want a relationship with you and I would suspect that she's subconsciously using you to replace the relationship she lost earlier in the year. My advice would be for you to break away--don't cut her out of your life, but start spending less time with her. Meet someone new. You won't find the one right away, but you may find someone who inspires you to really look. Good luck!

Workout for summer time???????

Hey I'm playing football next year and I want to get ripped for next year in school. But I have a low amount of budget for high protein things and such. I have dumb bells and I use the free outdoors for running and the park for pull ups and other stuff. I was just wondering what are some cheap yet nutritious foods I could buy. PS we don't have really good equipment for making food at my house and I barely know how to make some good nutritious food. Any suggestions????????

How to talk to this guy online?

I can tell you - outta experience, there's a big big chance that the contact will die, yep. There's plenty of fish :)

Black Mamba drink effects?

I am a 13 year old girl running a track meet tomorrow and I know that I shouldn't be drinking energy drinks, but I am not able to get a nutritious breakfast tomorrow due to schedule stuff. If the track meet starts at 2:00 pm when should I drink the Black Mamba? I don't want to have to pee in the middle of the race, but I want the drink to kick in at the right time.

Advises from mothers are welcome, please advise?

its 2 years after marriage and still no children, we mate eachother very rarely nowadays, but we were together on the 12th and 14th day of my period, so is there is any change on getting pregant,? what may be the reason for not getting pregnant? what kind of foods are favourable for having kids? im a pure veg. my husband eats everything, and basically he is only 24 and me 29, shall i need to wait until he get 26 or 28? he is very irresponsible now and not matured , not much interested in being father, not ready for treatment also.what i want to do?

Who else thinks the Obama plan to withdraw so many troops at one time from Afghanistan could be a disaster?

I agree that it could lead to that, but I would have to say that the solution is more towards pulling even more out faster (all if possible) than to leave them there. We have no further interests in that particular third world sandpit. There is no real reason to stay (meaning there is no American interest there nor benefit that is anywhere near, or greater than, the costs).

Thoughts on this poem about madness?

Wow! This is grand! I love reading poems with a sing-song pattern. Poems you can almost sing are poems that sway - but be impeccable and study iambs - not a particularly necessary advice but the knowledge of iambs may help a lot. And don't forget to read about meter, rhyme, and rhythm (as I've said previously). Judging from your two postings, I believe that you will find rhythm easy and fun to learn.

If everything capable of perceiving were to cease to exist, would anything still exist?

Figuratively speaking, imagine if all beings capable of perceiving (viewing, smelling, touching, tasting, comprehending, processing information, etc.) were to cease to exist. It is unfathomable, correct? What do you think would happen to all that we perceive now, and why? Please think thoroughly and give a detailed answer. :)

Why do people from all genearations look for God?

To some extent, our brains are hard-wired to believe in supernatural things when we are confused about something. It's sort of a vestigial thought process that is carried over from a time long ago when we were hunter-gatherers and that sort of thinking bonded people into groups who, because of strength in numbers, were more likely to survive to reproduce. This vestigial process, like our appendix, is not needed anymore.

What was your feeding schedule for an almost 9 month old?

My daughter will be 9 months old by the end of this month and I just want to see different feeding schedules mothers of babies the same age had. She eats an 8 oz bottle in the morning once she wakes up, 6 oz bottle about three hours later and another 6-8 oz bottle three hours after that. By about 7pm she will eat a jar, sometimes two, of food. We switch it up every day between veggies mixed with some type of cereal, meat mixed with a fruit or veggie, or fruit mixed with cereal.(All that she has tried before to avoid allergies.) She usually will have another 5-7 oz bottle before bed time. I have tried to give her a jar of food in the morning but she never wants it. Is there anything I should change or add? Or do you think she is following a nutritious meal plan and I should continue what I'm doing? Opinions and experience is appreciated! :)

I need some advise (HELP ME) lots of detail here?

i started to talk and hang out with this Spanish/asian girl in my class in college. She asked for my number. Then we started to chill at the mall or fastfood on our break. I gave her company after class till her ride came. Some time she texted me saying she was at the library. She said I was nice and also said don’t let me take advantage of you, and she was a *****. So I started to text her slowly on the weekends funny jokes and I used to get a reply. I did every possible thing in my hands to cheer her up, we did Always what she wanted never forced her for any thing. I bought her drinks, picked her texts books, class notes and stuff. So one day she was talking about some movie then I said “hey u want go watch it?” she said sure text me, I did but “no reply” We were still hanging out I noticed she was always texting and acted like she didn't care what I had to say or answered in yes or no, as if she was ignoring me on propose. Then out of nowhere she just stopped replying to text or took hours to reply, and started to put {!} After every text. Bec of that I really started to fall for her hard. we never did any class work nothing never. I never waited for her after class she waited for me to come out still, I did so much for her even wasting my own time to get a laugh or smile on her face bec it made me happy even tho I wasn’t. I sacrificed my own time and gas on my car to drive her around and make her happy. I kind of got the point she wasn’t interested i guessed. then finals week was coming close and I was really started to get to work on my class and I tried to help her bec I cared. I tried to do my best to help her.(she asked me to pressure her to make her to go to extra help and threw the class) I started to constantly text her about the class, the important stuff like extra help, the learning classes and notes . I told her com but she barely replied to me acted as if I never even texted her or said she was busy but she still waited for me after class, we still hung out at the mall and chilled after class. I asked her to the movie again. Then the last 3 days of class she started to act like she didn't even no me, then she acts like I'm annoying her or stalking. She tells me this other kid likes her(I think to make me go away), that is what killed me I really liked her and I lost all focus. She texted me day before the final and said “com sit next to me and help “, so I did help her I couldn’t focus on any thing. After the exam I went up to her to ask how she think she do. she acted like she wanted me to **** off she kind of flipped out “y don't u go home“, it's not like something new I always gave her company after class she acted like she just met me or I was stalking her or something. we found out we failed the class and she was kind of mad a out it and I had this mega guilt that I failed her she indirectly blamed it on me. last day she say i guess i will see you not even a thanks, as if we weren't even friends 1 week ago vacation started and I said to her hey can we meet up and talk about the class I really feel terrible and guilty about it no reply. Then the other day I said hi no reply. I guess she is ignoring me on purpose

I have to babysit a 8 year old boy a 6 year old girl and a 10 year old i need games to play with them?

ok i am used to babysiting the 8 and 6 year old but not the 10 year old (who is the same age as my little brother) she according to my brother is not to fond of me which i am assuming stems from the fact that she doesn't get to watch her younger sibling but i do. also i know she gives me the cold shoulder a lot(we are neighbors so i see her a lot) and now i am babysitting her and not just her younger sibling. i am afraid she will take that as the ultimate insult. also i am babysitting from 8am-5pm for maybe 4 days so i don't just want them to watch TV or play on the computer so i need fun games that they all can participate in and won't be bored with. especially the 8 year old boy (he is going in to 2nd grade) and make sure it will appeal to a 5 year old and a 10 year old. i also need to make them lunch i need creative suggestions that maybe the kids can help out with but at the same time won't make a huge mess are possible slightly nutritious but won't make a mess. it also need to be somwhat easy because my culinary skills have not evolved much past mac and cheese and kasadeas (sorry don't know how to spell that if you don't know what it says it is tortillas with cheese inside cooked and melted : ) ) thanks so much

"It is what it is"? What is your opinion on this phrase?

From my perspective "it is what it is" has more or less the connotation you mention, but the piece you are missing is that it also is that people tend to romanticize or think about situations in a more favorable light than reality. Its not always about avoiding trying but sometimes about avoiding believe the situation is what it is.

What is causing my anxiety?

I too, have anxiety, so I feel your pain. I used to take prescription Lexapro to handle it. It is expensive though, so when I wasn't experiencing anxiety/panic attacks as much I got off of it. It seems like you get triggered when thinking about certain things. Other than getting a med to handle this there are several ways to handle it. First of all, and most important, take your mind off of the subject for a little bit. Next, close your eyes and take slow deep breathes and tell yourself that everything will be ok (seems corny, but it helps). Also, getting away and taking a walk helps me, especially if its a social trigger. I also have a job where I travel a lot and sometimes panic attacks arise, but after going through some of these exercises I manage to get rid of it.

What is a good vegan snack substitute for yogurt and cheese sticks?

Hummus is a great alternative to cheese and mayonnaise. Silk makes really good soy yogurt. Also try coconut, rice, and almond milk, most people prefer those to soy. For snacks I usually go for yogurt and fruit.

Whats a good grass for rabbits?

i put a pot of cat grass(oat grass) in my rabbits cage so it can have some greens to eat.the package says that this grass naturLLY WILTS every few weeks so you always have to plant more.whats a nutritious grass that wont die to give to my rabbit?where can i get it?how do i care for it?

Why didn't the United States Army Air Force send up any interceptors during the 1942 LA UFO raid?

There were no fighters at that time because the US Army didn't have any time t send them so they resort to using anti-aircraft guns.


Obesity is becoming an epidemic among young children in Canada. Numerous children are victims of variety of health problems inflicted by the insufficiency of good nutrition and physical activity. Recently children have been exposed to fatty and sugary types of food and unfortunately they take part in these types of diets because their parents present them with these unhealthy choices. Not only do they have an inadequate nutritious diet, they also are lacking physical activity in their lives and their parents are one of the biggest influences. It seems that families who live more difficult lives or who have a member that is obese tend to be a common target for child obesity. Childhood obesity has become a huge problem due to poor dietary choices and nutrition, lack of physical activity, and also parental influences. How could parents stop this from getting worse? This essay will include the following causes of obesity: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition and also parental influences.

What are some cool Ipod touch 4th generation cases?

How about this KOKO Protective Frosted Case for iPod Touch 4 from a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a , I think it is cool, how do you think?

Scared symptoms there but tests are negative?

My period is over two months late now and I am having the basic pregnancy symptoms: weight gain, increased discharge, constipation, exhaustion, and muscle pains. However I have taken 6 tests (2 at 1 month late, 1 a week later, and the others at different times after the 2nd month late) and they are all negative. Wouldn't that mean that I'm not pregnant? I am on the pill and use condoms. The pill I'm on is loestrin fe 24, my boyfriends boss told me that the same pill caused her period to cease for over a year. My cycle became very irregular and then stopped along with the symptoms coming. Should I still worry about pregnancy?

What is the most nutritious single food in the world?

Believe it or not, sweet potatoes are the most nutritious thing in the produce section. Several studies have confirmed this; check out the link below.


my natural hair color is a light brown, for the past year I have been dying it a light blonde (not platinum) but a fair bit lighter with cheap $10 boxes from loreal. It works pretty well and i color it every 3-6 weeks to touch up roots and all. The thing is, i'm a bit sick of being blonde and I want to go darker brown, darker than my natural color. What would happen if I used a loreal brunette shade, would it not come out correctly? Because I know it's advised not to change shades drastically like that. What do I do? Do I wait? get it done professionally? Any and all answers are appreciated, thanks

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Teen Health Advise Needed!!!!?

The normal stereotype for teenagers is... sit on your butt all day... eat burgers and fries for every meal... drink soda... milkshakes... all you do is play xbox or go on facebook... but I'm not one of those and I feel like I'm insanely huge! I'm a fourteen year old girl, 5'11, and weigh somewhere between 151 and 155. I NEVER drink soda, never eat out, never eat fries or burgers, never have milkshakes, but I cannot lose weight. My problem is sneaking bites of things. Like the peanut butter jar will be left out and I'll take a spoon and take some on it and eat it, then crave some more and eat some more of it. I eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Or perhaps chocolate chips will be out I'll eat a handful here and then 20 minutes later do it again! I need to break my habits because it's starting to show in my hair and skin health. I don't want to be fat anymore please help!

In general, what is the most healthy and nutritious breakfast cereal?

Most nutrition of course is added human morning substances that are needed to buy this specific, of course: according to different material quantity is different, who every day just added basic, ha ha


Nato forces are attacking tripoli and rebel forces trying to advance. There are also casualties and Italy wants a cease fire. What do you think should happen? leave ghaddafi to rule tripoli? capture him?kill him?

What nutritious foods and snacks can I substitute for dairy?

I'm trying to lose weight and everyone always tells me to have yogurt as a snack or drink a glass of milk a day. I don't like milk, so unless it's on my cereal or as a topping, I won't drink it. Furthermore, I am very sensitive to dairy products. Some dairy products I eat or drink make me cough a lot and feel like my throat is closing up, other dairy products don't make me feel that way at all. I'm not sure if it's the content- some products have more dairy than others - or what. I would love to be able to have yogurt as a midday snack but it seems to be the worst. I haven't tried a yogurt yet that hasn't made me feel like my throat is closing up/lots of mucus- thus the continuous coughing. Is there anything I can substitute?

I need someone to tell me if what i did for love is right. please help. i need to come to terms with myself?

I see that you have a intense connection with her and I'm sure she is suffering as much as you are right now,but I can't predict if she will come back to you,maybe I hope so, but in the meantime she needs time and so do you but if those feelings are stronger now than ever then you need to tell her what you wrote here. Good luck

Why has my skin become dry?

I've never suffered from dry skin before, but for the past couple of weeks my skin has been flakey and peeling constantly. it's mostly noticeable on my arms, legs and face. None of the conventional explanations make sense: I haven't been out in the sun, I'm drinking plenty (more than usual to try to counteract the dryness); my diet hasn't changed and is as nutritious as ever; I haven't been using any new skin care, make up or hygiene products. It's not itchy so it can't be eczema or contact dermatitis. Using lotion and moisturisers hasn't helped. Does anyone know what might be causing my skin dryness or have any tips to try to cure it.

Is There a Speed of Gravity?

Einstein proposed that the speed of the effect of gravity was the same as the speed of light, and although it has been difficult to measure this accurately, all the measurements made to date have been in that range, and no 'serious players' are expecting any other answer.

Which Dog Food Brand Should I Avoid Feeding My Dogs?

I have two puppies a 6 month old Husky/Collie Mix and a 11 week old Lab, I want to know which brand of dog food I should avoid feeding them to prevent them from being sick... And also which brand is best to keep them healthy and happy? I'm currently feeding them Beneful which seems like its nutritious and all but is it really please help me help my dogs stay healthy and happy =D

Anyone got any ideas of what I can eat to stop morning sickness?

I get sickness all day. Can anyone advise what I should eat? I've heard people mention crackers. What type of crackers? x

Do all Christians believe that the bible gives clear indicators for the Last Days?

The Bible never says when the world will end. In fact, it says that man will never know the exact time. Even Jesus doesn't know. Only god. The Bible just talks about what will happen in the end times, and they are very extreme things and would be noticed righ away. In other words... the end is not nigh. I think this is what you were asking...?

Is there any federal help for senior citizens now that Florida governor has done this?

I was totally wrong, being under the impression that Governor Rick Scott had spared the nutritional center for the elderly both in Little Havana and Allapatah in Miami, Florida, but was just brought the news by a neighbor that it's the other way around; Scott just cut $700,000 from the centers, meaning that both have to close and the hundreds of senior citizens have nowhere to turn. It is a fact that the most that seniors get in food stamps is $125 which basically doesn't cover for real nutritious food. So, what happens now? Does the federal government pitch in in any way?

Which life skill encourages you to get enough sleep, eat nutritious foods, and avoid risky behaviors? Question?

Survival for today as well as survival in the long-term. It also causes us to seek shelter, stay out of the rain, bond with family members and lovers, etc. Our DNA, over time, has taught us that sticking together encourages our survival.

Would it make me a bad person if I ceased to be friends with a "close friend" after high school?

Of course not! Sounds like this friendship is making you feel worse about yourself rather than better. Friendships should make you feel good about yourself and make life enjoyable. I had a friend like this and I let her go by distancing myself from her.

What is the least expensive and most nutritious dog food?

Agree on Taste of the Wild. I haven't found a better food for the price. No corn, wheat, or by-products. Grain free, high protein stuff = you get to feed less and the dog poops less :) I use it for both the cats and the dog.

What do you give your kids for a nutritious breakfast?

Natural organic yogurt, with fruit and puffed wheat/rice/corn and a piece of wholemeal toast with vegemite.

Should it be made illegal for animal shelters to euthanize healthy dogs and cats?

Shelter euthanizes healthy and perfectly normal dogs only because they cannot find a home fast enough. If the dog is not adopted in 40 day period, then he is put to sleep. These are healthy and young dogs who are just 1 to 2 years old. They have barely come on earth and their existence is ceased without them even knowing it and without even being asked. 5 lovely and sweet pit bulls were put to sleep in my shelter because they could not get adopted in 40 days. I was interested in one of them. And by the time I planned to visit the shelter to get a 2 year old pitt bull boy, I learned he was already euthanized. I felt very bad and disgusted for such an innocent life to have been taken away due to lack of patience.

Christians: If I have a miscarriage, will my baby go to heaven?

There is no such thing a "ceasing to exist." God tells us there is heaven or there is hell and that is it. Will the child go to heaven? Yes. Because the child would never have had a chance to choose for himself whether to follow Jesus or not, they will go to heaven. I believe that there is an "age of accountability." Only God knows this age and it is different for everyone, but this is the age when one becomes old enough to make the decision for himself. If a child dies before they are mature enough to make the decision, they will go to heaven.

Recommend a body builder diet?

I'm 17 and need a diet that will compliment my work out routine. Weight training is fine I have that down pact but it would be appreciated if anyone could outline a nutritious diet with at least 40-60 grams of protein per meal. Could it also be justified why the meals recommended (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are good for bodybuilding? Also, unless absolutely necessary nothing with powders because they are a waste of money. I don't need an additional calorie source.

Any advise for pet with sticker infected paw?

Is there any home remedies or advice helpful for removing a sticker in a dogs' paw that's become infected ?Going to the vet tomorrow, but hoping to find something to allieviate pain tonight.

Please help me !! I am not growing!!?

I an 17 years old male and i am only 5'1 , i am pure vegetarian . I hated vegetables till the age of 15 . I never ate any veggies or any nutritious food till age 15. I ate only plain rice and plain chapati. I do not have much of hair in my body . Only now i see little hair near my sexual region but i do not have moustach on my face . I want to grow tall and get puberty. Please help me .

Do you want to help people?

Yes. I try to everyday. I help people with their mental illness and give them my own experiences to help ease their pain. Many have told me I do a good job, and all I can do is hope, hope that whatever I'm doing is right for them. Hope that they don't have to walk that road in darkness.

What can i feed my tropical fish to make they strong and healthy?

I agree with the person above me. Hikari is the best brand of food out there. But I would get some frozen bloodworm's and brine shrimp to. My angels, Gouramis, and Cichlids loved those.

Need Help With A Teeth Issue...?

Last year, I had a serious eating disorder with which I would self-induce vomiting. I've since been treated and warned of the damage it causes and have ceased it. However, my teeth have shrunken significantly because of it. Is there any way I can rebuild my teeth? I don't know if I'm ready to face my dentist with drastically different teeth than I had the last time I saw him.

Makeout tips for guys. Girls answer ..nohomo?

allllllright just want some advise from some girls. Whenever I hook up with a chick they either like it a lot or they think it was awful...why? i mean i usually dont push it and let the girl do stuff and i normally just follow along and let them do their thing..... whattts goin on

Why does God have to burn us in hell for eternity when human life is so short?

I am posing this question after hearing the Christian argument that God did not create evil, and that evil is just the "absence of God." And that humans are given "free will" otherwise we'd all be like robots created to serve God without a choice. Doesn't sound like a choice to me. Sounds like an ultimatum. God basically says "serve me or else I will banish you to fire and brimstone for ETERNITY!" In most cases humans live less than 100 years. Even if we were given a life sentence for every tiny sin we committed in our lifetime-that still would not constitute a googleplex to the googleplex power of "years" and beyond to infinity in Hell. If god is fair and just how could he do this to people who didn't agree to these terms before they were born? Why not just make us cease to exist and go about his business? Why beat a dead horse zillions of years later? Please help me understand this mess as I just can't understand how God can be "all love" when he is the one that created hell. Even if you argue he didn't create evil- he still created hell which he didn't have to do. sounds like God is breaking some of the 7 deadly sins himself: especially WRATH and PRIDE.

I have infected Chlamydia recently, how can I eliminate the symptom radically?Help!?

I feel burning and sore when I am peeing, and I have frequent urination and urgent urination, I listen to my doctor's advise and I have taken in some drugs which are prescribed from him, but, I haven't recovered. It is really very painful , I hope I can get the most effective solution from the net friend,please help me!

Instead of green vegetables for guinea pigs, can they be replaced by?

Instead of buying guinea pigs lettuce/parsley, could I just replace this by a handful of grass/fruit tree branch? is it still nutritious?

When women reach menopause do they typically lose their sex drive? Is there a women's Viagra equivalent?

Typically one year after periods cease a women is considered in menopause. What happens to her sex drive--mine disappeared--I am not on any estrogen or premarin--do they increase llibido? Is there a women's pill like Viagra for men?

How can I get my puppy's poop to be solid.?

She's a german sheperd lab and I feed her ACTR1UM. It's the only food I can buy locally with no wheat or corn and isn't 90 dollars a bag. Her previous owner fed her ROYAL CANIN but the pet store advised not to. Is it just beccause I changed her food? How long will it last?

"Chemical pregnancy", in pain again, very confused...?

A little over 2 weeks ago, my period had been a week late, I'd been having some funny symptoms, so I took a HPT at night that had a very clear "plus". The next morning, I woke up in a bed full of blood (very very heavy bleeding) and crippling abdominal pain. My husband wanted to take me to the hospital right then and there, but I refused for 3 more days. Finally, I went because the pain wasn't ceasing. At the hospital, they took blood and urine, did an internal exam/pap smear, gave me a external and internal ultrasound, and did a cat scan. Not only did the doctor say they could find nothing wrong, but that I was in fact in excellent health. The only idea he had was I may have experienced a "chemical" pregnancy, which is basically a very very early miscarriage some women can just mistake for a regular period, and all signs of me ever being pregnant would have been gone by the time they ran tests. The pain did eventually subside, and I felt fine last week. Yesterday though, I woke up and my breasts were very sore (I don't actually ever remember them being sore at all, ever, before, I don't get pms bad or anything), and the pain came back as I was walking to work. No bleeding this time though. I have had ovarian cysts rupture and cause similar pain before, but they found no cysts or residual fluid of a ruptured cyst when I was at the hospital, and I seriously doubt one could have grown big enough to rupture and cause immense pain in under 2 weeks. Even if it's hiding from the tests, I just know something is going wrong in my body. The pain is in the lowest part of my abdomen, and it's actually tender to touch. Since I don't feel it's an emergency, and the hospital couldn't help last time, I will be seeing my regular doctor this time. I'm just not understanding what is happening. I'm just looking for some ideas of what might be going on, so I can ask my doctor to test and eliminate it as a possibility or find what's wrong. Anyone else ever experience things like this? I'm 99.99999% sure it has something to do with my female parts malfunctioning, but past cysts or pregnancy, which have been eliminated as causes, I'm not sure what else it could be? And before anyone says it, I DO NOT have a STD (which much to my embarrassment, they routinely test for at the hospital, making me feel like a complete idiot in front of my husband).

"It is what it is"? What is your view on that quote?

I personally dislike it when people say "no problem" and I sometimes challenge them by asking "what if it was a problem, what then?", but the result is rarely worth the effort. As the philosopher Bertrand Russell put it, "it isn't things that bother us, it is our ideas about them that bother us". Therefore, while you do not agree with how people use the phrase "it is what it is" when it isn't appropriate, or you do not like their viewpoint that things cannot be changed or are better left unchanged, you cannot change the behavior of others. Because you cannot prevent people from using that phrase around you I suspect you will not change yourself so you will continue to be annoyed by it. You could challenge people who say that with something like "your opinion is not equivalent to reality", but that won't earn you many friends. Therefore it is indeed a problem that "is what it is".

Im trying to become a vegetarian... HELP?

Well ive been a vegetarian for almost three years and it honestly isn't difficult. Eggs have a lot of protein in them. i never planned on eating eggs, but i decided its better than eating the chicken. Also, you lose a lot of iron when you remove meat from your diet. i would suggest taking vitamins that have lots of iron in them. For protein, i would suggest eating some cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, beans, and tofu. Hope it helped!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I need recipes using canned fruit cocktail that are easy.?

The local food bank gives out a lot of canned fruit cocktail and requested that people submit some easy, nutritious and cheap recipes for them to give people to use the fruit cocktail. I have a fruit cocktail cake and a pie but they need more. Any favorites out there you could share? Cookies maybe? Anything else?

Is it essential too diet too have a ripped body?

The only way to really get ripped is your diet. The weight training will build the muscle, but the diet gets rid of the fat to get you to a percentage low enough where you look "shredded."

Are vine ripe tomatoes more nutritious than roma?

I love tomatoes more than girls. and this is the season they grow. I saw at the store the vine ripe ones are 1.50 a lb and the roma are .68 lb. is there any major differences between one or the other in nutritional value???

Do even physics prove that atheist's ideas as illogical?

The physical universe is a made up of three ingredients and that is Time, Space, and energy. Space-time causes energy to move at relative rates of speed ( or vibrations) which we experience through the body which is also made up of energy moving at different rates. Every element is simply energy moving at a different vibration. Matter cannot exist without time and space and the amount of space we see is only in relation to our physical size oriented perceptions neither are we aware of energy unless it moves at different rates and we view and experience it from from the point of view of a relative energy vibration. Our perceptions of the physical universe is very much illusory and completely relative. The reason we search for answers is because down deep we realize how little we know about Truth (reality). Truth (reality) is Un-relative and is our True and always in the Present Origin. Our True and always Present Origin is the Image-less Spirit of Life our Loving Father whom Jesus was introducing us too and asking us to lay down the time created and illusion rooted self identity. Illusion is that which appears, seems real, but then disappears and Truth (reality) is that which is always. One day the Eternal Fire of the Truth is going to destroy all illusion along with those who walked in it because it suited and soothed the lust and desires of the self and they will cease to exist even in memory after judgment. The door way to Eternity is not in the future but always in the Present just as Life is always in the Present.

Is it essential too diet too have a ripped body?

Diet is more important than the weights you lift, being ripped is all about the BF%. And you are weak as hell man.

Okay need advise about these two guys :/?

Okay two guys on Facebook constantly flirt with me by only do it on chat or mail and sometimes ask for pictures.... I know them but font usually talk to them apart from on Facebook... What can you say to stop them without sounding lame or mean?

Arthritis in knee at 48 - do i have to give up running?

I've heard that exercise actually helps with arthritis. Of course it doesn't treat it, but it helps with it. The best thing to do is ask your doctor.


The subject of childhood obesity is a good one. However, your presentation needs work. For example "Numerous children are victims of variety of health problems inflicted by the insufficiency of good nutrition and physical activity" then later "Not only do they have an inadequate nutritious diet, they also are lacking physical activity in their lives..." You are repeating yourself unnecessarily.

Terraria: Change background lighting of Corruption Zone?

The lighting will return to normal if you remove all of the background and ebonstone blocks in that area, much like how the meteor blocks work. I would not recommend doing so, since it will take a long time, but if you have the time and determination to do it, be my guest.

My car shuts off while am on the road some times?

what cause the car just to shut off the whole engine while you driving out of no where??? please advise and thanks

Should i cut him out of my life?

Well, from a guy's perspective, it sounds like he wants the benefits of a relationship without the effort that relationships need. If he's not willing to put the effort into it, I'm sure you can find someone who will. get rid of painful as that may be, at least he won't stop you from landing someone who will actually want to be with you.

Thriving on milk, egg yolks & sugar for the last week?

consuming raw eggwhites has its problems... but for the most part why not eat solid foods for nutrition such as steak, chicken, and vegetables... cuz u cant sit there and tell me that if u dont eat vegetables ur gonna have more success... the nutrients in green leafy vegetables as well as antioxidents are something you cant avoid, and especially if ur trying to gain weight vegetables are what you need... milk is good, eggs are good, sugar is not... u gotta eat more carbohydrates as well... that way u will get to ur caloric goal easier.

What should i do to makeup with my possible boyfriend who is very angry?

Im 15 and a girl so im not going to be an expert. BUUUUT, give him some time to think. After some time has passed try calling him, and meet up somewhere and work things out. He needs space, and time to think.

Is USA following the path of Soviet Union ?

No. Unlike the former Soviet Union the US is comprised of states with individual powers and this fact alone makes it highly unlikely the US will fragment like the USSR did. Besides, the US is a strong democracy, the USSR was essentially an authoritarian dictatorship.

Can you live healthily if you don't eat solids, and will this cause you to lose weight?

If I only drink/eat liquids (protein shakes with blended fruit, "green powder drink" and more protein shakes), will this cause me to lose weight? Also, will it make me mal-nutritious? I'm 17, weigh 111, and am 5'3.

I'm scared to orgasm?

Think of it this way...imagine the pleasure that your BF will experience if he is the first one to ever give you that amazing have nothing to be self conscious about...believe me he will not be grossed out...and getting louder is just letting him know that he is doing what you it and you will be amazed at how great your BF will feel for giving you that pleasure not to mention how great it will be for you....when he ejaculates he gets things a bit messy...does that make it gross??? NO!! Its all good....let him keep going for both of you.....wet sheets can be washed no worries as he said he will put down towels,,,,obviously he wants you to experience this with him...let him take pride in the fact that you let down your guard and trusted him enough to experience this together...if you are old enough have a drink before you start this will calm you but not to much alcohol as this makes you less sensitive and it will be harder for you to have an orgasm...LET GO GIRL..YOU WILL LOVE IT...AND SO WILL YOUR BF.. HE WILL PUFF OUT HIS CHEST KNOWING THAT HE IS THE FIRST ONE THAT EVER DID THAT FOR YOU...

I bought a hgh capsule pills from a nutritious store, i need to know if this would increase my height?

ALL TABLET/SPRAY HGH IS A CON, ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR IT TO WORK...It’s hard to synthesize this hormone. Its large and complex molecular structure involves 191 amino acids. Since 1985 it has been made through recombinant DNA technology in which bacteria or animal cells are given a gene that directs them to make hGH. The cells are then grown in a tissue culture that synthesizes a pure hormone identical to that produced by the human pituitary. We can’t copy this substance using the growth hormones of animals and plants, and molecules of this size can’t be absorbed through skin or mucous membranes. If taken in pill form, hGH will be deactivated by stomach acid and enzymes, so it has to be given as a shot under the skin.

Advise my family is not understanding!!?

me and my bro want to join swimming classes as we r having summer holidays..we have swimming experience there is a coach over there too but they don't allow us to go they don't even allow us to go in anearby park..i m 19 years old and my bro is it's tym for my university nw as i m done with my high school but for uni one need to prepare for entry test even if u hve good grades and for entry test we have to go to other city..that other city is just at a drive of 2 hours away from here but my parenst are not letting me go there i donno y.. i tried to ask them a several times the reason for having restrictions upon us but thye neva give any satisfied answer..they even never reply to our answers and if we even say them we want to go outside they ignore us and often says that their children are saying them to let us go to university bad?is going to swimming bad?i tried to make them understand the things several times but they don' they r very rich people not poor that they can't afford our studies..please give an advise

Can you sue for mistaken identity?

Police Officers lurked around my house on a tuesday night, due to criminal activity in my area. I came out my house to find out why...they ran my license and told me they were just making sure, following proper protocol. The next day, I come home from work and they now have a search warrant and now have arrested me, linking me to the criminal activities in the area, along with similar cases that were going on for a few weeks. They advised me this has been an ongoing investigation, and they have set up surveillance around my house. Now, mind you they had a description of the suspect, in which matches mine a little, but they came to my house the night before, but no arrest. So now you come back the next day and i'm accused of the crimes. You found no evidence, linking me, just my description, which favors many...and you have caused me to miss maybe about 5 days of work, you have my name in the papers as if you really got your guy (humiliation) and your holding me on 1/2 million dollar bail. The reason I ask if able to sue, because obviously as the night progressed you have created a case against me with no proof, and you have also said dogs led you to my location. One important factor here, that i didn't mention...the time of the crimes, i was working! My supervisor is able to testify that and provide proof. Shouldn't you have a little more proof than a description before you make your arrest?

Would you date someone online if?

ok so iv been talking to this guy online for a few weeks now and we text each other too we live local to each other and seem to get on well he has asked me if i would date him but i am very worried about dateing someone i met on the internet he has told me he is in a wheelchair and has very slight learning disablity would you let any of this put you off im so confused and dont no what to do really need some advise please.

Im 29yrs old & always tired and lazy?

I never want to do anything. I've been like this for a little over a year, and it seems to be getting worse. All I want to do is lay around in bed, I take naps a lot throughout the day and sometimes can't fall asleep at night because of all my naps. I have 4 kids who are not babies anymore, and while im in my lazy mode my husband will take care of them. I feel like I have no energy to do anything or even play with my kids,or take them to the park or pool or ride there bikes because I feel so tired. And from me feeling so tired I feel like im always sick, ill always say my stomach hurts or I have a headache or ant excuse. And im never in the mood to have sex because I feel exusted and no energy. I will be honest I don't take vitamins because im scared to swallow pills I ain't even take meds for a headache. I don't exercise. I do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV. I just stopped working 3months ago in April I got fired because I didn't want to do anything but sit around,i worked at that job for 15yrs.and I've tried to fix this problem and I can't. What can I do to fix this problem does anyone have any ideas? Please. I need to be here for my kids. I feel like that show hoarders or addicted but in a different sense im addicted to being lazy! Please someone give me some advise!

Can a hard money lender sue a transaction coordinator for a loan agent?

the private money lender is suing the office coordinator because she spoke with the clients the most the clients commited fraud by obtaining a secert second ,the lender says the coordinator had knowledge of the second which she didnt her name is no where since she was not the loan agent please advise what she should do or what is her defense

Could you help me with my packing list?

Hi there!I'm traveling to Switzerland next week and I haven't packed yet.I wanna ask you if there things I MUST take on my trip?I am there for 2 and a half weeks and this is my first international travel(I will be alone).Any advises are welcome!Thanks for your time!:)

I was reading an article in my local SF newspaper about food stamp recipients shopping at whole foods...?

Im not conservative but that is alittle insane. Healthy foods are expensive and im sure anyone would like to get food stamps to purchase food that is healthy but expensive. Thats just wrong. thats like buying champagne and a filet mignon with food stamps. like wtf? if u have a taste for expensive use ur own money

What are the best cities where to live in Texas?

Currently living in Houston, TX, and thinking about moving to another city in Texas. I'm married and have two children (ages 5 and 11.) Priorities for us would be safety, good schools, entertainment, and nice neighborhoods. Please advise. Thanks

Please answer this career question about science if you can.?

NASA is laying off people all the time due to budget cuts. You have to understand there are no job securities in any field right now unless you are a nurse, or a great inventor, or a scientist that discovers something one ever thought of. So the answer is yes to your question.

Is it okay that I am trying to lose some extra weight during pregnancy ( I am still eating very healthy )?

I am 6 months pregnant and have gained way too much weight from eating too much junk food and excess empty calories during my pregnancy. Well, I have changed my ways now ( wish it would have been sooner.) I have 3 months to go. I have been eating very nutritious food low in fat/calories, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, skim milk, lean proteins, and have continued taking my prenatals. I have already started losing some excessive weight that I don't need anyways, and I feel GREAT. I don't feel like I am doing anything wrong, but I keep reading that it is '' unsafe '' to intentionally try to lose weight suring pregnancy. Isn't the baby still getting all her nutritious needs met though ? It's ME who will lose, not the baby. Right ?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Concerned about my sister's eating?

Okay, this is like MY story, but me being the younger sis! I used to be anorexic, just last year, but my older sis told my parents, and they helped me out, and i've only kind of recovered. I'm at a healthy weight, but i'm trying to lose some again. Anyways, you would much rather her be a little chubby, i promise, because i remember the pain. it hurts so BAD. maybe have a pep talk with her, and talk to her about getting back into shape? please please please Explain to her not to go over board. being anorexic was a horrible experience, no need to put her through that again. Don't feel guilty, girl!!! I am sooooo glad my older sis told my parents, because even though I feel kinda chubby now/:, i would much rather be ALIVE! I don't think my parents would have even noticed. you are a great sister, keep up the good work, and just talk to her. Good luck chica! xoxox.

Why do I crave alcohol when I get pregnant?

I don't think your lacking anything, pregnancy hormones are sometimes just plain weird. I'm sure you already know this but even though your craving it, do not drink it!

Can you get addicted to sleeping pills?

I don't think I'm addicted per say but my sister says you can get addicted. Ive been taking them alot at night (just two) Advil pm before I sleep because I feel like I need them too sleep. I didn't use them the other night and I couldn't sleep at all It took me hours too fall asleep then I would keep waking up. So can you get addicted to them? And if anyone has any advise on what will make me sleep easier without sleeping pills? Thanks for all your answers

Can you advise your doctor on what treatment you should receive?

Yes u can. But they will prob. Choose the medicine. They will def. Listen though if u think u know what's wrong. That's a good thing

Does a school like this exist in the United States?

I have this vision in mind of the perfect elementary school. One with a year-round calendar, foreign language immersion, and preferably a nutritious lunch program. Does this exist?

Can you feed eyeballs?

I got whole salmon for the dogs (raw fed) and they still have the heads. Are the eyeballs ok to eat? It's gross but are they nutritious?

The god of the old testament is obviously evil. How can you believe this shite?

Genocide, capriciousness, sanctioned rape, kill your kids to please me, jealous,childish? Really, at what point does this cease to become so absurd that even the most faint hearted would have doubts?

Can you be too poor to tithe?

My husband and I are having a baby in three weeks, so we're a family of three all living on one salary--my husband's. He doesn't make much money, so little that we actually get Medicaid and WIC from the state. We have the Internet at our house, because my husband has to have it for work, and we only have basic cable. We attend church regularly, but since we got married last year we have not given 10 percent. Living on such a small income, sometimes bills that need to get paid cannot be paid. We hope to bring in more money a few months after the baby is born, but we haven' been able to for a few months b/c I have been on bed rest. My husband suggested today that we start tithing 10 percent of our household income. I want to do what's right, but it makes me nervous to contemplate not being able to pay some of our bills so we can tithe 10 percent. I have trouble thinking that God would approve of such a situation. I know that tithing goes to the poor and needy--and frankly we are the poor... We occasionally get food from a community food bank, and we are barely able to afford food nutritious enough for a pregnant woman, even with WIC. Should we put ourselves in a situation where we are even more strapped financially in order to meet this 10 percent tithe requirement?

Are there any creative jobs in Kuwait.?

I just recently moved to the country and am looking for a job that involves creativity ....any advise or leads??

Nearly ready to pop, a few last questions, advice please?

Im 35wks and now everyone's asking me if I'm going to breastfeed.I really want too, but I'm going to be a single mum, and would love to express milk and feed her, but my mum recons it would be very very difficult for me to do it and said she advises me to bottle feed. Any advice on it?

Is this excerpt OK? Honest opinions?

What is the summary? This excerpt is entirely confusing. Is Andrew meeting a different species of humanoids? Does Andrew really have a disease, or is he just overly freckled? If Andrew does have some disease, the beginning might be offensive to some people. Nicely written, though.

I will cease to be a skeptic if someone can move the eraser on my desk?

I am skeptical of magic and the supernatural. However, just out of curiosity, I want to see if someone can use telekinesis to move the pink eraser that is sitting on my desk.

Why is he so angry at me?

We're over, we never dated but he wanted me. He faked relationships, hangs out with his ex a lot (its one of the reasons I left). I am making fun of her and insulting her on twitter because 4 mnths ago he advised the police on me for insulting him and his friends (I didnt contact him but i did this cuz he stole my work and did the faking), and said never to message him again. He kept on stalking me in the 4 mnths, he did nude photography something i hinted while we were talking. Why is he so angry when i insulted her on twitter and said im looking for a bf of my own? He's furious.

Help with nails please?

Hii. So i like to do my own nails at home. They dont last very long on my nails though. I dont paint over them when im done doing it the first time. Any suggestions? Also could it have something to do with the nails polish im using? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. I want my nails to look like i got them done from the salon. Thanks in advance.

How can i make time pass by until im 18 to have my tattoo removed?

well yeah hi, im only 14 and i know that im a ******* idiot iv had enough ebuse of you lot but iv got a tattoo. yes i regret it but i want good advise so right the tattoo shop that my sistet is going to a man that works there is having some of his sleeve removed so please help me i want mine removed so the mans going to ask tge man that removes them if he can do mine but my tattoo is a cover up of my name my name was i read and then i had it covered with black ink so can it still be moved???? cause reds been covered up with black but it should work yeah because its a new laser it dosent scar and apparently it takes the ink out without doin it colour by colour but if i cant have it removed then what can i do to pass time unt i am 16 please help guys :) x

Looking for a good low calorie Vegitarian Salad, Something that would be good as a side dish?

Everything I am finding that even sounds decent has Mayo in it. I am not a Vegetarian but I am trying to eat healthier. I usually have something like fries or Jalapeno Poppers for a side dish with whatever we are having and I want something better for me. Can you recommend any easy to make Veggie salads or Fruit. Something that Packs a Nutritious punch. Also I don't buy stuff I will only use once so unless it is an widly used ingredient that I can put in other things too, I probably won't make it.

How to talk to this guy online?

Maybe you should arrange to meet up. Then you can have experiences together and have more to talk about.

I want to know if this is a good beginning to a story?

Honestly, I didn't think it was very good. There were a lot of spelling, puncuation, grammar errors and Lack of detail. I had no idea what was going on and who were the characters but then again, I didn't bothered to finish the whole piece.

Hamster Dying, PLEASE someone help.?

My hamster's tongue is huge and purple and swollen. He's getting worse by the hour and there are no vets within driving distance at this hour. I gave him 2 drops of benadryl (sp) with an eyedropper (to get him to calm down and reduce the swelling) and I also finally got him to drink some water with it. He can't eat and I was wondering if I could make something to give him some nutrition? Maybe milk? Idk. Please please please help I love this little hamster so much and I refuse to let him die like this. He's only a year old. Please suggest nutritious liquids for the eyedropper maybe?

Quick question about hair dye, easy 10 points?

my natural hair color is a light brown, for the past year I have been dying it a light blonde (not platinum) but a fair bit lighter with cheap $10 boxes from loreal. It works pretty well and i color it every 3-6 weeks to touch up roots and all. The thing is, i'm a bit sick of being blonde and I want to go darker brown, darker than my natural color. What would happen if I used a loreal brunette shade, would it not come out correctly? Because I know it's advised not to change shades drastically like that. What do I do? Do I wait? get it done professionally? Any and all answers are appreciated, thanks

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Company has my name my site to theirs indicating i'm associated w/ them what can be done?

a company purchased a domain name for me @ 11.95. I built a site a year ago. i have left the company and they wish not to give me my domain name. i got another and have my site up and running.however, the company has redirected my old domain name to their site. if you hit my old name it goes to their site indicating to people that I am associated with them. They want my domain name so be it but I would wish them to stop misrepresenting themselves. can you tell me there are legal grounds for me have them cease and desist. they may keep the name.

See how I lost revealed?

This is a routine that works for those unable to exercise. For those that are excessively overweight, calorie restriction is appropriate. You will never achieve a "toned" or trim look with out exercise. I would personally never take nutritional advice that does not think exercise is an important component of weight loss.

Breastfeeding 1 year olds?

i know that its best feeding a newborn breatsmilk and i did but then i stopped for a while and now im pumping as much as i can right now, but my daughter is almost 9 months old and im not even getting enough to feed her right now yet, if i get enough by the time shes 1 year, will it still be just as nutricious? or is it less important and less nutritious when shes a year? thanks. is it even worth it? thanks.

Sigh.. Fighting with the "mistress" how do I respond?

You are in the middle of breaking up with your husband, the father of your kids, because some other woman is harassing your husband. Sounds like you have some jealousy issues that you need to work on.

Detox or cleanse 3 day diets?

Are there any detox or cleanse diets that last for a few days, that would be a good kick start for a new diet. I'm not really going on a 'diet', just planning to eat a lot more healthier, and more nutritious food. Thanks!

Please help me come to terms with my love. what do u think i should do?

sounds like the grieving process of a bad break up.Let's see you can let her go and try to get back to the single life or u can fight for her and what I mean is keep contact with her but as a friend,still be there for her when ever she needs you.2 choices single or fight its up to you

How can I lose weight fast?!?

I'm 12 and I really need to lose weight, I feel so fat, I know I'm not like obese or overweight or something but everyone else is skinnier than me and I just wanna fit in. I want to lose about 10-15 pounds in a month or so. I'm 5'5" and I'm about 110 pounds. I'm sort of lazy so is there anyway to do it without exercising for hours, I"m willing to exercise but not for that long. And what kind of food can replace my junk food? Stuff that's delicious and nutritious! Thanks, I just want something quick, easy, but doesn't make me suffer. Oh and I don't need people saying that I'm too young or I don't need to lose weight, I want to and if that's my decision than respect it.

Looking for some grooming advise?

Definitely go for Oster or Andis (either works just fine in my opinion!). & remember for the blades, the higher the number, the shorter the cut/hair. Since it's summer, I recommend using a #ten!

Protien in urine during pregnancy?

I recently went to my OB for check up at 18 weeks. They had a slew of lab results including a 24 hour urine. They said I have a UTI (w/o symptoms) and high levels of protien in my urine but too much to be from UTI. My blood pressure was slightly high so now i am advised to have a low salt diet and take BP meds. I asked him if the protien could be from the UTI and he said no but from what I have read UTI can cause high protien in urine. How does he know the difference? should I be overly concerned? Isn't it possible that if it is a long standing UTI it has reached my kidneys and that is the cause?

What is better to feed new born guppy fry?

Feed them mainly the flakes, as fry need a decent amount of fats to grow. You could feed them all but the shrimp, they might be too tough for them to digest when they are young. Another idea is some frozen baby brine shrimp. Baby brine shrimp has lots of those good fats in them, which equals good growth. Adult fish need more proteins.

Is Bit Torrent illegal in Japan?

I recently received a cease and desist warning from the school that I am studying at for "use of illegal file sharing software", which I can only assume means Bit Torrent. I was using it to torrent some movies from, which is a site that hosts bit torrents for movies which have a specific licensing agreement which makes them legal to torrent. Is use of bit torrenting software illegal in Japan, or is my school just jumping the gun and assuming that I'm using it for illegitimate purposes?

Can Americans help save Greece from its economic woes with my super-gyro fundraiser idea?

Greece need $100 billion so $23 million would not help much. However greece produces wines, cheeses, olive oil etc and if they became the "in" foods it would increase the demand, drive up prices on world markets and improve their balance of trade. Instead of asking for donations your effort would be better spent promoting their exports.

Edwina has been living with her parents since she graduated from college about 2 years ago. Because her parent?

In my opinion - and this is just me- I believe it really all depends in if Edwina is saving up for something, like a house or her own apartment, and how much her parents charge her for her room. As a case of my point, if Edwina was saving up for her apartment, she would like to take out a loan, otherwise her savings would be almost absolutely gone, and so we would not wish for that to happen, would we? But if Edwina only plans on living with her parents, she might be able to pay for the car herself. After all, that leaves $500.00 for her. Now, if she was to stay with her parents - and let us asume she does indeed- then we might need to know what they ask of her to pay for her room, because she needs money for clothes, gas, emergencies, food, recreation, etc. And if her parents asked 500$ or more of her, she should get out a loan. If they ask for less than $500 dollars, i believe she'd be fine paying on her own.

Want your advise about tattoo?

I've just turned to 15 and i really want to get some tattoo, but I'm afraid of when ill grow up(maybe 5-6 cm more, anyway hope so) wont be it deformed or something kind of that? would you suggest to do it or not? (please, don't say that ill never can change it or something like that, i already know it.. )

Primary School And Bullying What Do You Do?

now this might not seem like the best advice, but my son is six years old and was being bullied, kinda had the same mind set of being scared to get in trouble at school. But sometimes it is ok to get in trouble when you are standing up to bullies, anyway, i told him if he gets in trouble for standing up to bullies he will be rewardedwhen he got home. Pluss we have watched hours and hours of ufc and other mma so... Anyway the bullying was stopped and there hasnt been any bullying since.

Serious help an affair!!?

ok so i have been seeing this guy for a year now - he is married i am married - he is also seeing other woman he tells me, well this morning some girl left him a voice mail, his wife checked it, caught him, but I also left him a voice mail, but she is thinking that it was the same person, do you think this guy will rat me out or will he just let her think its the chick that she thinks it is!? I know Iam wrong for doing this - but I seriously love this guy - i have never been in love before but I also don't wanna leave my kids either. Please give me some advise.

Do I really have to eat alot in order to keep my milk supply. ?

Will I really lose my milk supply or will my milk be less nutritious if I eat less than when I was pregnant! Please help!

Was Thomas Jefferson right?

The guy was a genius. We need to get back to being the America he helped create instead of a liberal cess pool.

All I need is a little help.?

try spending more time with your family. You can also read books to get your problems out of your system. Try yoga for peace and tranquility. Join organizations to meet new people because your old friends already have jobs, etc.. You can also try out new things you weren't able to do before. Life is full of new things. So, go out and discover.

Someone Help Me Pleas I Need Advise!?

Can someone pleas give me advise i have a problem! last month i went down to public *** for food stamps. i had to bring all my paperwork Birth cert socials for me and my children anyway my landlord was supposed to get in contact witht hem to prove that i lived at my ressidence because my lease expired and i never got a new one! well he never did! so i had to bring them my rent recipts i pay with money orders so i brought them the money orders i was going to send out for that month for the rent the recipts were attached to them and i lost them or someone took them out of my bag i had my two little children with me a 6 month old and a four year old so there was alote of confusion i dont know what to do if i tell my husband well he dosent have the best temper im sooooo scared i payed last moths rent with this months rent and know the rent is due again on the first i also paid it late my lanlord said i cannot pay it late again! he says if he dosent get it in a few days then hell throw us out! i have four kids and camt afford to be put out i cant tell my husband cause ill probably get the sh*%t kicked out of me and i dont have any family o and public *** says they cant help me until i get an eviction notice so that does me no good! PLEASE! can someone give me any advise im very scared for my well being i have no clue what to do! Someone please help! Please no nasty coments! i know i F**&%$# up!

I am being harassed and sued and don't know how to handle this.?

Get a restraining order. Tell the judge what he has done as far as harassing you. Bring copies of the texts and e-mails. The judge needs to see these to get an accurate view of his frame of mind.

My fist day of piano course was so hard :S help plzz?

hey , I'm 15 years old boy, I started yesterday my first piano course, and It was soo hard :S! I dont know what to do now, I want to stop but I cant coz my mom paid 150$ for teaching me piano for 9 hour, and I still in my first hour, she told me to continue this month and then i can stop, but I dont know how can i continue :/ the teacher told me to study the notes and their place for the next time, and today when i tried to study it was so hard and complicatedd !! I wanted to play piano before but i dint know that its hard like this, sooo ANY ADVISE PLZ :/??

Has anyone ever seen spots of colors and gotten a headache after playing hours of video games?

My son is 11. He had recently gotten a new video game for his ps3, "Little Big Plantet". I have caught him staying up all night long playing it. A couple of days ago he started saying that when he would sit or stand, that he would see different colored spots. Then tonight while he was falling asleep he said as soon as he'd start to doze off, he'd see the colors. That game is very colorful. He also has a headache. He hasn't been sleeping or eating right, so I think he may also be a little dehydrated. Has anyone ever heard of these symptoms from excessive video game playing? He's asleep now, but I'm debating on whether I should take him to the ER, or call the Dr in the morning. He doesn't have any other symptoms accept for being really tired. He was up playing til 7am this morning!!!! Needless to say, he won't be playing for a few days. Thanks for any advise.

HELP! Will I grow taller?

Some background information about me is that I have a strong Mongolian lineage, and I read that the average Mongolian female is about 5' 6" (I am a girl soo... :p). Growing up in Mongolia, I know that some of the living conditions means a limited diet, because for the first 5 years of my life, I probably did not get the essential nutrients. However, I moved to America, but did not start eating right until I was about 11 or so... I was always on the lower half of my class when it came to height. I am 13 now and is about 5' 2". Just recently, I have started getting constantly hungry, and I try to make sure that I eat all healthy foods, regular meals (though I have had to snack recently every hour or so) and also exercise. Because of school, I usually ended up "undersleeping"... I started eating immensely due to my hunger about January of this year... During about February or March, my arm span was 60 or 61 inches. Now, my arm span is 63 inches... If it helps, I started my period when I was eleven... Because I have been eating right just recently and more nutritious foods last winter, I have been starting to grow at a good rate again. Compared 2 years ago, I have probably grown maybe 2.5 inches. My oldest sister is about 5' 4" (she is now 22) and my older sister is 5' 3" (she is now 16). However, they did get mostly dad's genes, and I have seen mostly mom's genes kick in for my situation. Mom said that when she was growing up, she was usually one of the taller kids in class, although I have the opposite story (my mom grew up in Mongolia but I practically lived over half my life here, if that would make a difference). My mom is probably 5' 4" and my dad is (I can only vaguely remember) 5' 9" or so, giving or taking a couple inches. My cousins from my mom's side, on the other hand, are about 5' 7" or 5'9". But my question is, would my bad malnutrition state from when I was younger could have affected my height overall and future height? Also, can better sleeping patterns over this summer help with my growth? Any information would be helpful in figuring this out! Thanks! :)

Car is shaking when accelerating?

This just started happening and I don't know why. When I accelerate the entire car vibrates and it ceases when I'm not accelerating. At constant speeds on smooth road it doesn't vibrate, but going up hills it does, so this tells me it is only when some torque is being applied. Engine is running great and I have brand new tires on that were balanced. My car is a 96 Dodge Intrepid 3.3L, automatic transmission.

How can i make time pass by until im 18?

well yeah hi, im only 14 and i know that im a ******* idiot iv had enough ebuse of you lot but iv got a tattoo. yes i regret it but i want good advise so right the tattoo shop that my sistet is going to a man that works there is having some of his sleeve removed so please help me i want mine removed so the mans going to ask tge man that removes them if he can do mine but my tattoo is a cover up of my name my name was i read and then i had it covered with black ink so can it still be moved???? cause reds been covered up with black but it should work yeah because its a new laser it dosent scar and apparently it takes the ink out without doin it colour by colour but if i cant have it removed then what can i do to pass time unt i am 16 please help guys :) x

I think im pregnant! help :(?

I have not had sex but my boyf did come on my trouser. The second time i think he touched himself down there and then me, i cant be sure as i was drunk. Please give me advise, im so scared i cant be pregnant i come from a catholic family who believe in children after marriage. Im too young and havent finished school

I want to attend college in Spain. I am American?

I am an American Senior who wants to go to Spain for college. I am fluent in Spanish. I can write it, speak it, read it and understand it. I am also semi-fluent in French (I can read it and write it more than I can speak it and understand it). I want to study in Spain because I want to experience something new. I love America and I hope I'm not coming off as ungrateful but America doesn't really have a culture and that is what I'm looking for. I am Dominican and am from Spaniard descent (as well as English and Italian descent) and I want to learn about the country. I just don't know if I should choose an overseas education over an American education. What do you suggest I do? If you attend a college in Spain, talk to me. Please advise me.

Hi fellow seniors, are you fitter now than when you were in your twenties?

I do have more fits, but not more fit. All the aches and pains I had in my youth have multiplied. I used to work out at two different gyms up to a couple of years ago because of my arthritis and degenerative discs I can no longer do that. I do more than average exercise for my age because of all of the animals I have rescued along with stretching exercises I can do at home. I fear if I don't I may find soon I won't be able to move at all. With age comes health issues to many of us even though we have always eaten properly and tried our best to stay fit.

I drove my Mazda 3 for 90 miles on low oil level (according to dipstick reading) without the engine ceasing?

up. Does that mean there was still enough oil to keep engine running without being damaged? I noticed i wasn't getting as good of gas mileage as i used to. I'm going to add oil now of course, after i just found out.

Need Help Finding a Nutritious Label?

For my Personal Finance class, I need to find a nutritious label. Not sure what we really need it for, since we're learning about banking, but, whatever. Anyway, if you could get me one, other than a water or gum label, anything nutritious will do. Thanks in advance.

What do you think i should do?

now i know that most of you are going to tell me dont die or committ suicide...I DONT PLAN ON IT..i just have been sitting here for the past 4 hours deciding if knowing the answer to the question asked round the world was worth knowing prematurely,,what is the other side, if there is one..if not then it doesnt matter cuz i will cease to exist so i wont be upset by the answer because i wont be there to experience nothing...i dont know what to do or think anymore

Why is my ex doing all this when he cheated on me?

hes trying to make you jealous and make you feel like youw ant him back ... he's so dumb!! find someone better move on enjoy life!!!!!!!!!!

L'Oreal Paris True Match Foundation (Reviews)?

Okay so recently (yesterday) i asked the whats is a good foundation to use. And i got great advise :) thanks guys but i made a u turn and brought L'Oreal True Match Foundation Compact and it works so great! Not as much coverage that i wanted but it has no feel and no smell. Like i couldn't tell it was there. My skin looks and feels flawless! I recommend it to anybody! :) And I'am a female of color

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have written several poems I wish for someone to comment on. Would anyone care to?

My fave is "I remember why". Please make a book out of these poems, there are enough, and they sound great!!!

How to create an account in google plus? plz advise. plz attach a link if dr is.?

The only way to make an account is to be invited, as of yesterday night invites have been closed due to large demand and abuse. Sorry I really wanted to be in Google+ as well.

Why do poor people vote for Republicans?

It has never ceased to amaze me that so many fiscally challenged people in the United States vote for conservatives in spite of the fact that said conservatives are constantly working to widen the gap between the wealthy and the poor. I've done plenty of research on this topic and have come to the conclusion that the only possible reason that poor people in this country still vote for conservatives despite how blatantly selfish and greedy they are is because they are uneducated and it's what their parents did before them. Any thoughts?

Jet Ski will not run?

My 92 Kawasaki 750 SS will not run. The carb is dirty and requires starter fluid to start it. It used to run fine, but now it will only run for 2-3 seconds then stalls out. I checked the fuel knob on the side and that is set to on, and it has about half a tank of gas. Any advise would be helpful and appreciated.

Best post- night of drinking breakfast?

My best advice is this, once you get home from a fun filled night of drinking take 2 aspirins with a large glass of water. Wake up and repeat to be followed with a Bloody Mary. The Vodka for the hair of the dog and the tomato juice to rehydrate yourself. This has always worked for me, GOOD LUCK...oooops good luck, tee hee!

Im 16 and really want a baby, advise please?

im 16 years old and have a boyfriend been with him for seven months he wants a baby to but not to next year his says and i m fine with that but i really want a baby now..... advise pleaseee:)?

Cage eggs or cage-free eggs?

Is there a difference? Are cage-free eggs more nutritious considering the conditions the chickens are in and what they are fed?

Headache and seeing flashes of color after playing video games all day?

My son is 11. He had recently gotten a new video game for his ps3, "Little Big Plantet". I have caught him staying up all night long playing it. A couple of days ago he started saying that when he would sit or stand, that he would see different colored spots. Then tonight while he was falling asleep he said as soon as he'd start to doze off, he'd see the colors. That game is very colorful. He also has a headache. He hasn't been sleeping or eating right, so I think he may also be a little dehydrated. Has anyone ever heard of these symptoms from excessive video game playing? He's asleep now, but I'm debating on whether I should take him to the ER, or call the Dr in the morning. He doesn't have any other symptoms accept for being really tired. He was up playing til 7am this morning!!!! Needless to say, he won't be playing for a few days. Thanks for any advise.

Question about why sugar is bad for you?

Is it simply because it's not nutritious and stuff, or does the processing make it toxic or something... Like, with white bread it's just carbs without the other nutrients. Is white sugar pretty much the same?

A child support question?

hi, i live in west virginia. my girlfriend and i have a 1 year old son together. through the last year we have been locked in mortgage limbo on our house, therefore our addresses were listed as different. we were summoned to a child support hearing in which we were told that child support would only be taken out for 2 or 3 payments(i cant recall which it was) as backpay.and when we got our addresses straightened out to come back and let them know, at which time they would cease taking payments out of my paychecks. that was in oct 2010. about this time we moved into our new house but were still stuck in mortgage limbo, meaning i couldnt change my employment status or risk messing up the loan. here is where the fun really begins. No payments were taken out of my paychecks until dec 10, 2010. the first payment of $148 was taken out dec 10, another of the same amount was taken out on dec. 24, 2010(i get paid every 2 weeks). neither payment was sent to the child support agency until dec. 28, 2010. My girlfriend and i thought, "hey its a one time thing, no big deal, at least thats all that they will take and now its done"...we were wrong. the next paycheck had the same amount taken out and once again was not sent to the child support agency, i then started recieving letters in the mail from the child support agency stating that i was delinquent on my payments. my girlfriend and i then went to the agency this same thing occured on every paycheck for the next 2 months. payments taken out of my checks by my employer, yet not sent to the agency. after repeatedly trying to phone the agency, we finally went down to the office. while there, we were informed that it wasnt just my checks, but my employer was not sending any other employee's child support payments in either. he was apparently up to thousands of dollars behind. they had already notified him by letter. also, while at this meeting they informed us that if we wanted to end our child support case when we got the money from my employer that we could. they told us they were leaving the case open until he sent the money in, that way their lawyers could handle it and we wouldnt have to seek outside consultation. that was in february 2011. he has never gotten it caught all the way up, so we have never been able to get the case closed. now he is over $700 behind again. i ask the managers where i work about it and they tell me i have to talk to the accountants, when the child support office calls the accountant they tell them that the owner does the child support, then when they call him he becomes aggresive and profane and hangs up. these payments were supposed to stop being taken out in february and its still happening. it wouldnt be as bad if the money were being sent in, because then my girlfriend could get it and we could pay our bills with it. but that's not happening and we are falling behind on our bills and everything else and all the child support tells us is they turned it over to their attorneys and if we havent got the money in 3 weeks to come and talk to them again. i don't understand what they expect us to do. we can't tell the utility companies to wait a couple weeks can we? the main problem,as i already stated, is that these payments arent even supposed to be being taken out of my checks. what can i do about this? the child support bureau is clearly not that concerned about it and we are running out of options on our money. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Yasmin pill? period? need advise!?

I Started the Yasmin as advised on the first day of my period. Only i have been bleeding for this normal? This has never happened to me before.. Anybody else had this? I have a pap smear on sunday as my last one was abnormal.. Wont be able to have it if this bleeding continues.. x

Should i mix baby cereal and prunes to avoid constipation?

I gave my son alittle bit of gerber organic brown rice cereal like the baby bullet recipe book advised for his first food mixed with breast milk. It looked like his normal milk, very thin. But he stopped pooping so I stopped giving it to him 2 days later he pooped and I haven't tried again since but he still only poops once a day now which isn't normal he usually poops ALOT. I've been reading online it's ok to mix pureed food with cereal for the first time...I wondered if prunes would help with the constipation if I pureed them and added them somehow? Thanks!

Good face washes for sensitive oily skin?!? ?

I don't brake out much I am only 13 but when I do break out it's bad and it leaves scares I have sensitive skin so I don't wash my face much or else I break out I have an oily t zone and that's were I usually break out I get mostly white heads and big pimples I have tried a lot of stuff and it just makes me break out so I need a good face wash to get rid of my pimples and oilyness before school starts and before it gets any worse any advise or good facewashs to help please!?!?

Do all Christians believe that the bible gives clear indicators for the Last Days?

The Bible never says when the world will end. In fact, it says that man will never know the exact time. Even Jesus doesn't know. Only god. The Bible just talks about what will happen in the end times, and they are very extreme things and would be noticed righ away. In other words... the end is not nigh. I think this is what you were asking...?

How much should I charge in-laws for babysitting?

It would be 3 or 4 times a week, for 6 to 8 hours a day. The boy is 6 and the girl is 9, they are siblings and they are A HANDFUL! They are my brother in laws kids. They want me to babysit for free because I am babysitting them in my mother in laws house (the kids' grandma) where I live temporarily, but because they are so difficult I feel that I need to charge them, plus they only provide them food half of the time and usually it's not nutritious. How much should I ask per hour for both kids?

Should I stay? Adults only please!?

Well, this may be long, but if there's anyone out there that has would be greatly appreciated. - really need an unbiased opinion. I am a 34 year old divorced woman, and a mother to 2 small children, both from ex-husband. I have been divorced 5 yrs and have been in one other serious relationship other than the one I'm currently in. I have been with the man I'm with now for 2 yrs. It has not been easy right from the very beginning, our relationship has been Passionate, and extremely sexually fulfilling,he is very strong (in the mental sense), he's determined and motivated to succeed. I love him with every inch of my soul. On the flip side, we are from 2 completely different worlds, we are completely opposite on so many levels, like night and day. This man has the power to make me feel like I'm floating, and then can make me feel like I'm non-existant and futile, I've have more if anyone's interested, and would like to listen, then offer advise. Pls feel free to respond. I need to make sure I'm not loosing my mind.

How to not over-snack when you hang out with friends?

I'm not overweight, but I'm around the 80th percentile and I'd just like to lose around 15-20 pounds. Anyways, I've done a lot of research about weight loss, and I think that I exercise and eat pretty well while I'm at home. However whenever I hang out with friends (which is usually 2-5 times a week), I find myself munching on whatever is at hand, regardless of its nutritious value. Anyways, I was just wondering how to avoid eating bad foods when they are right in front of you. Thanks!

Should I Take Protein Shakes If i Don't Lift Weights ?

Protien shakes are good because they have two ingredients which supress appetite. Also, there is no carbohydrates in protien shakes (basically) and of course, protien which is very effective for your body. It helps to burn fat faster at a more consistent rate. I hope I helped.

I've lost 8 pounds in two weeks and believe I'm doing it healthy? What do you think?

that will be healthy for a while, it isnt uncommon for really overweight people to loose weight fast when they really buckle down and cutting your calorie intake is a really good approach but you could possibly have to change up your diet and exercise levels as you loose more weight. its only gonna get harder so keep it up GOOD LUCK :)

About implants......... advise me please ladies?

Hi, im planning to have a breast implant surgery, anyone has experience with that, which doctor and what should i need to concern? please advise me.. thanks

Happiness vs. Relationship?

first, i am felling sorry for you coz you are in such a situation. you are thinking of moving into the relationship with the second man, thats okay. but think of one thing first, what was the the thing that made you fall in love with your current bf? they were the same, more or less i guess? so think first, then take your decision. if you want to change your bf, then its upto you. but make sure that its not gonna hurt you more than now.

Honestly I really need advise here?

am totally in love with a girl...but she only likes me as a friend. I asked her out, and she said she wasn't ready yet, cause of a bad breakup with her old boyfriend. She also said she didnt want to lose me like she lost him. If I flirt with her through text she kind of ignores it. I cant really back off or de-friend her, because her boy friend de-friended her when she broke up with him and now she thinks he is a total jerk. but I cant stay friends with her, cause the more we talk...the more I love her. I have never liked a girl this much ever. what do I do?

Once we die do we completely cease to exist?

Just think about what you remember of life before you existed. That's pretty much what it'll be like after your existence ends. Unless, of course, you're religious, because then there's an afterlife and things get pretty screwy. :P lol

Do you think that a working mom does NOT care about her children?

NO, i just think that working mom's care a lot about their children since they are working and trying to give them everything they need by going out and actually working for it.

I have a pomeranian. NEED help about it's DIET!!!?

I have a 3 month old Pomeranian and i feed it only veg diets and eggs. Recently i came to know that dogs need non veg. if they are not given non veg then at least we must feed it nutritious food and eggs. So i am giving him daily two eggs (one morning and other evening) + veg food like milk,cerelac,carrots,beans,sprouts,tomat… so my question 1) is whether this diet is good or should i add something else to it. (not non veg) 2) How many eggs should i give him daily and when. and 3) it sleeps everyday for about 14 hours. is it normal?? thanks for answering.......

Please give your advise?

Some institute offer MBA degree under distance education counsil such as SMU-DE, PTU-DE. Is this degree has low market value?

Online business Question.?

Today I bought a domain name, and already signed up with a web hosting site. My online business is a non-profit business. I DON'T accept any forms of currency. I simply give free advise. Do I need a business license for this. Again no profit is made by my company, at all. I built this business so I can help people make the right buying choice. (Please no negative comments). I need a serious answer. Thanks

Monday, July 11, 2011

What are some benefits of nutritious breast milk over regular cow milk?

The first milk a woman gives is called colostrum. It is full of vital fats, proteins and anti bodies. Even if a woman decides not to breast feed it's important to do it for at least the first week. Obviously breast milk is better for the child than cow milk. Cow milk is made for baby cows, human breast milk is for baby humans. It's pretty logical.

Wet dog food only diet?

I have tried mixing wet+dry food together but my dog just licks the wet of the dry and won't eat it so is it okay if he just has a wet food only diet? Also is nature diet a good,nutritious brand of wet food? If not what brand is?

I drove my Mazda 3 for 90 miles on low oil level (according to dipstick reading) without the engine ceasing?

Does that mean there was still enough oil to keep engine running without being damaged? I noticed i wasn't getting as good of gas mileage as i used to. My low oil light did not turn on. Also, my temperature gauge was in between cold and hot the whole time.

How to evict a "drama" couple?

Okay so my husband and I manage my moms house for her as in renting out the rooms and dealing with the constant BS, I wrote a question before regarding these pain in the butt roomates we have. Ever since they've moved in there has been nothing but drama in the house. They are a married couple and this woman always complains about the air conditioner not being on and she needs it on and she has a medical condition and so on and so forth...she tried calling the housing authorities behing our backs about it and found out that the air conditioner is an ammenity and my mom does not have to turn it on for her which I have explained to her before. There is always constant drama with this woman she feels like she can walk all over us just because we are younger then her (My husband and I are 20) (She is 30 and her husband is 28). Anyways my husband and I know so far how to run this house since we've been doing this for roughly a year now. This "drama" couple has a month to month lease and they are paying rent but the issue is I HATE DRAMA and the next time they start BS up again we would like to kick them out. I'd like to know if there is any legal way to go about this because I know we need a good reason to put down for the thirty day notice once we go about this. We really are trying our best although we are young, we are always kind and courteous until people start trying to cause problems for my mom and the stress really gets to me...Can anyone please advise me on what a good excuse could be to evict this couple? And please it has to be legal. Thank you! =]

CV, help and advise on my 1st CV?

Hi, I am writing a CV for a Business apprenticeship, I was wondering what skills I should put down, should I boast about my abilitys and should i bullet point? and how do i make my CV stand out form all the rest? Thankyou in advance also this is my first CV i have ever written so please forgive my lack of intellegence in this subject.

Can someone give me advice when it comes to moving up with weights?

I am using the "Fat to Firm: at any age" book to be my guide for getting in shape. The book advises me to start off small in my weights and go up in weight every month (or until I become comfortable with the weight that I am currently on). When a friend of mine started to accompany me to the gym he assumed the role of personal trainer and insisted that I go up in weight after every set. I became very frustrated because he would assign me a weight that I thought was a little too much for me and even though I was struggling with the weight after I completed a set he wanted me to add on 10 more lbs. When I told him about my book's guidelines for moving up in weight he told me my book was probably outdated and my method wouldn't be effective-- my book was copyrighted in 1998 and I don't if that is or isn't our of date. I want to know how to properly move up in weights.

Salmon eyeballs, raw feeding?

I got whole salmon for the dogs (raw fed) and they still have the heads. Are the eyeballs ok to eat? It's gross but are they nutritious?

Is it essential too diet too have a ripped body?

Well, you need to eat plenty of protein. It is mainly important to diet if you want to look "ripped" because you don't want any fat on your body. Protein is important because it helps you build muscle faster. You need the right nutrients also, like vitamins and minerals so that your muscles can repair themselves after working out.

I am disabled and couldn't afford to pay my outstanding parking tickets. Now I can't get a DL in my new state.?

the law is, disabled or NOT you have to pay them, you made an offer and they have the right to not accept it......there is no other options, not my opinion just the facts,

Accused of harassment, what do i do?

I was in a similar relationship and I never got my stuff back so I just kinda got over it... she never threatened to call the police on me so I can't say much on that part but I can give you some advice: don't contact her anymore, get over the stuff. ignore the thing aboutthe police, she has no reason to get them involved. try to get into another relationship to kinda help get over her a little

Is it better to cook frozen dinners like Lean Cuisine or Stouffers in an oven?

It takes so much longer but I know microwave kills nutrients. But since frozen dinners aren't that nutritious anyway, does it make a difference if I just end up microwaving it?

Should the United States cease to exist to allow for 'the market' to work?

Look up Night Watchman State on Wikipedia, tell me where in said ideology government interferes in the market, and then come back and spew this load of garbage again. Here, I'll even post a link to it for you since I'm sure you're too lazy to look it up yourself.

I drove my Mazda 3 for 90 miles on low oil level (according to dipstick reading) without the engine ceasing?

up. Does this mean there was still enough oil to keep engine running without being damaged? I noticed i wasn't getting as good of gas mileage as i used to. I'm going to add oil now of course, after i just found out.

What can i give my 5 month old for a sunburn?

My mother took my son to the park today and he got a sunburn even though she swears he wasn't in the sun, obviously we was. He's burnt on one arm and on his face. Is there anything I can do? He doesn't seem like he's in pain but it's red and warm so if anyone has any advise that would be so nice. Thanks.

Does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1988 apply to debts that are beyond the statute of limitations?

The statue of limitations only means you can't be sued for the debt, & remember, some debt is exempt from the rule. The SOL does not mean you are free of the deb. Your creditors have the right to continue to try to collect from you using other means. Only a court can clear you of the debt.

Which is the most nutritious way of sprouting grams?

Do you mean "sprouting grains"? I imagine it's like any other sprout, you soak them in water for a few hours, then lay them in wet paper towels in a warm place, or in a large glass jar with a lind that you poke holes in. The you run room temp water in and drain it, to keep them moist, every day until they sprout. If the grains are viable, they should sprout in just a few days.

10 month old's cold/nasal congestion not getting better after 3 weeks, Please advise.?

I would give her the antibiotics, if she is having trouble breathing this cannot be comfortable or safe for her even if they don't work fully they may make it better for her. I'm sure you are trying to be a good parent by doing this but her body will still build up and immune system for it. I think it would make her more comfortable and much better, after all thats what they are for :) However it is totally up to you, you should be the one to decide! Hope she gets well soon :)

Why don't anti-porn women realize that porn doesn't program men, it merely responds to men's wishes?

As a woman, I am all for porn. Some people, usually ones who deep down don't find themselves attractive, lack a meaningful life so they get involved in the business of others. While I believe men should cut down on porn after marriage, young men shouldn't be denied the right to look at pictures or videos of legal aged and consenting women. Anti-porn supporters don't see that Playboy, which is fairly classy, celebrates the female body.

Im 29yrs old & always tired and lazy?

I never want to do anything. I've been like this for a little over a year, and it seems to be getting worse. All I want to do is lay around in bed, I take naps a lot throughout the day and sometimes can't fall asleep at night because of all my naps. I have 4 kids who are not babies anymore, and while im in my lazy mode my husband will take care of them. I feel like I have no energy to do anything or even play with my kids,or take them to the park or pool or ride there bikes because I feel so tired. And from me feeling so tired I feel like im always sick, ill always say my stomach hurts or I have a headache or ant excuse. And im never in the mood to have sex because I feel exusted and no energy. I will be honest I don't take vitamins because im scared to swallow pills I ain't even take meds for a headache. I don't exercise. I do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV. I just stopped working 3months ago in April I got fired because I didn't want to do anything but sit around,i worked at that job for 15yrs.and I've tried to fix this problem and I can't. What can I do to fix this problem does anyone have any ideas? Please. I need to be here for my kids. I feel like that show hoarders or addicted but in a different sense im addicted to being lazy! Please someone give me some advise!

Making baby puree, healthier - most probably yes; but is it really cheaper?

Some foods are going to be cheaper, and others are not. As for the time spent washing, preparing, etc., you'd be better off just giving your baby a slice of the pear and letting her have at it. Babies who are old enough for solids don't generally need purees, and if you're mostly feeding her bits of whatever the rest of the family is eating, the cost is pretty negligible.

Fasting what to drink?

When you fast what should you drink. I know you should drink water but what other nutritious juices should you drink? Would a V8 be good to? Please list what's healthy to drink when you fasting please. Thnaks!

Wanting someone I can't have? Help please e_e?

Nothing wrong about it !! But as a big twist in life ,, When you do go for it , hope it is just with one person ,from that day and keep that person in your whole life ,not just go from one relationship to another ,, That is gay ! Its not a easy life ,! people will put you down all the time ,and believe me ,once you go in that direction ,it will hurt you inside and out ,! you wont be able to feel nothing except pain ! because all you are going to hear is your gay ,your gross , how can you be with same sex ,you will feel that no one is close to you ever ,you wont ever be able to trust , you will feel scared,unsure of many things ,you will only want to be in the house ,you will judge yourself ! nothing worse ! We are not born with that ! we are born to love ,Honor ,cherish ,and that is very hard to do with out any just one in our life ! Im sure that you are a very strong person right now , but its going to change !!

Is it selfish and sadistic to have children?

No it is a commandment to mutiply and replenish the earth and that command has never been resended. But please get married first and take care of them so I don't have to.

How can I remove the pedals from my mountain bike?

I have decided to use a mountain bike I had when I was younger which was last used in about 2006 I have sorted out most of the bits so it is usable but the pedals have ceased and I want to put new ones on but can't get to the nut on each one with a spanner as stuff as been put against it when it was kept in the garage at my parents house so the pedals have now been pushed towards the crank so how can i remove them to put new ones on.Can anyone give me any suggestions